The Basic Bookworm
The Basic Bookworm
Review Policy
Hello there! I’m honored that you are considering me to review your novel. I urge you to read through my review policy so that I don't get review requests that are not in accordance with my policy. My time is important to me, as I’m sure yours is to you, so I’m appreciative when you take the 2 minutes to read my policy.
I am currently OPEN for arc/review requests!
Physical Copy (preferred format and will be given high priority)
Ebook (epub/PDF)
Preferred Genres ✅
Middle Grade Fantasy
Young Adult
Historical Fiction
New Adult
Sports Romance
Adult Contemporary Romance
Genres I don't review ❌
Anything discriminatory/sexist
Self Published
I support self-published authors and indie publishers, so I do consider any self-published book review request I receive. They won't be prioritised as highly but if a synopsis catches my eye, I'll review it!
How long does it take for you to review a book?
I usually take between 1 and 6 weeks to review your book, depending on how heavy my TBR is at the moment. If you would like to request me to review it at a particular date or urgently, I will take it into consideration.
My rating system
★★★★★ Absolutely loved it, new favourite - perfection
★★★★ Really liked it but there's just something missing
★★★ I liked it but it could have been better
★★ Not for me
★ I rarely give 1 stars, so this means I really hated it
Note: I use half stars
What do my reviews include?
I include the cover, rating, publisher's synopsis and a review of all my thoughts on the book. I don't have a specific system on how I review books. Reviews vary in length. I point out things I liked and things I didn't like. Although my reviews are my personal opinion, I respect you as an author and a writer. My reviews also include recommendations for the book or against the book. Not all of my reviews are good but they are all completely honest. Every review I write is my own honest opinion about the book. I recommend looking through some of my reviews on my blog and Goodreads to get a feel for my reviews.
Where will I post the reviews?
I usually post book reviews on my blog and on Goodreads. However if you have a request to post on retailers like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. then you can include that in your email and I will consider it.
Other Services
I am open to book tours, guest posts and author interviews if asked. However, I will only do an author interview for a book I really liked and after I've finished reading it. If you would like one, then include it in your email.
I am NOT a professional book reviewer, I review books as an avid member of the book community.
I do NOT receive compensation for reviews.
I do NOT post reviews on Instagram.
Please treat me and my time with respect and do not waste my time by sending me inadequate review request emails without first reading through my ENTIRE review policy.
I make it a point to respond to review request emails within 24 hours whether it is to inform that I will or will not review your book.
Do not take offense to critical reviews, I will post my honest opinion in a respectful manner.
What do I put in my review request?
Subject: Book (or ARC) Review Request
What to include in the email:
Title and synopsis of your book
Goodreads link to your book
Category - middle grade, YA, NA or adult (please make sure this is accurate, I do not appreciate people misleading me by categorising a romance between 25 year olds as Young Adult)
Genre (ie. romance, fantasy, thriller, etc.)
Optional: Any requests like date of review, time period, posting on other sites, etc.
The format you are willing to give (paperback, epub, pdf, etc.)
Keep in mind that physical format will give you the highest priority and I always enjoy books that I have in my hand more than online, so I'm bound to rate it better.
Contact me!
Email me at amnarahim10@gmail.com to submit your review request!